هوية المكان في روايات الناشئة الفلسطينية : رواية "اسمي الحركي فراشة"، لأحلام بشارات أنموذجٍا
الراشدي،, أحمد بن ناصر بن حمد.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This study attempts to research the young adult novel. It examines the identity and its impact on the place, which is one of the foundational pillars of the novel. The researcher studies the topography of places in "My Codename is Butterfly" a novel by the Palestinian novelist Ahlam Bisharat. The study also investigates the relationship between place and time and its association with the characters, with an aim to reveal the novelist's vision and perception of place identity and the impact of its transformations on young adults. The study uses the structural approach. The study consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion that presents the study's results and synopsis.