الملخص الإنجليزي
This study aimed to reveal the predictability of reflective thinking through problem solving skills and parenting styles in a sample of blind students and visionary students. Data were collected by using three instruments, reflective thinking scale, problem solving scale and parenting styles scale. The sample of the study consisted of(155) students (male and female) from the visual students and (33) students from the blind students distributed in grades (9-11) for the academic year (2016 - 2017) in Muscat. The results showed high levels of both reflective thinking, and the dimensions of problem solving, except evaluation subscale which, was average. Smilarly, high levels of parenting styles were found except for permessive father and mother which was low. No differences in the levels of both reflective thinking, problem solving dimensions and parenting styles except in permessive father and mother, favouring visionary students. The results showed that three dimensions of problem solving, (i.e, the definition of the problem, the general orientation and decision-making) were significaut predictive variables of reflective thinking, as these dimensions explained 23% of the variance in reflective thinking. In the light of the results, the researcher provided a number of recommendations.