الملخص الإنجليزي
The current study aims at investigating the effectiveness of a group counseling program based on the cognitive information processing approach to modifying the negative career thoughts among tenth graders. The sample of the study included 68 students from both genders; they were divided randomly into two groups of 34 as a control group, and 34 as an experimental group. The experimental group underwent a group counseling program while the control group received general career activities. The researcher used the Career Thoughts Inventory. The Career Thoughts Inventory included 29 items distributed over three factors: Decision making confusion, Commitment anxiety and External conflict. The researcher has conducted Factor Analysis Assertive to the scale and the scale became with23 items. The reliability of the scale was (.87). The result of quasi-experimental research design(2 x2MANCOVA) showed statistically significant differences between the experimental and the control groups in the dimensions of the scale, favoring the experimental group.A (2X2Mixed Design MANCOVA) showed that there were statistically significant differences in the pre-test and the post-test for the experimental group over all dimensions of the scale: Decision-making confusion, Commitment anxiety and External conflict.
The differences didn't get influenced by the students' gender and the time of application (before program-after program). These results were discussed in the light of the theoretical framework and previous studies, and the study came out with a number of suggestions and recommendations.