الملخص الإنجليزي
Abstract This study aimed to identify the required health education domains to be included in the science textbooks of the Basic Education in Sultanate of Oman and to highlight the existing one present at these books.
The study population was all science textbooks for classes from fifth to tenth grade of basic education whereas the sample was the science textbooks from fifth to eighth grade of the basic education schools on the academic year 2004/2005. -
To answer the study questions, a list of the required health education domains on these books was produced according to a comprehensive analysis done to many specific health education references, researches papers, articles, aims of the science curriculums at Basic education and the opinions of personals related to both academic (science teaching) and health fields. This list was then reviewed by a group of expert judges to comment on the study list where it was then finalized and approved
The final study list is consisted of (82) sections distributed into (5) main domains which are; personnel health, diseases and prevention, safety education, environmental health, and health nutrition.
According to the mentioned list, the researcher designed the content analysis tool and assumed the paragraph as a unit for analysis. The reliability was then checked by calculating the Holisty Stability Constant which gives the value of (0.93). This constant was a good prove of the study purpose. Hence, the researcher analyzed the science textbooks twice with a (5) weeks gab in between and he took repentance average for health domains and calculated the percentage where these study statistics showed the below:
• The science textbooks for classes 5th, 6th, 7th and oth contained (37%) of its contents for health education domains. The process of choosing the health contents and determine them in science textbooks did not follow any classified standards for horizontal and vertical completeness. The health content in science textbooks was concentrating more in first domain that is personnel health. These books content also concentrated on operational and structural fields (e.g. Body parts) and it was rarely linked with health fields.
According to the results, the study recommended the need to give the health education more important consideration when developing science textbooks for Basic Education and to consider for continuous, balance, completeness and to cover the different health subjects. Further more consideration should be taken to balance between the academic and functional purpose of science. The study also recommended preparatiori standards to determine how much these books contribute in the health education and to produce a curriculum and scientific reference for health education by co-operating with the Ministry of Health, For the continuality in developing the health education in Oman, the study also suggested further studies in the health education fields.