الملخص الإنجليزي
The paper includes an introduction: a prologues two chapters and a conclusion. The introduction provides the outline of the paper. The prologue in its first section provides definitions for 'Oman' in terms of etymology and geographical boundaries, while the second section defines the term 'companion' from linguistic and idiomatic views. The third section of the prologue gives an account about the merits of the people of Oman. This thesis reviews fifty six figures claimed to be Omani Companions. Each character is examined by reviewing the name. linage. conversion to Islam meritsevidence of companionship and the role played with some data variations from one companion to another as may be dictated by context. Moreover the paper discusses some related controversies and tries, in most of the times. to note the most appropriate opinion from the researcher's view. This first chapter is divided into three sections, the first talks about characters with proven companionships the second about debatable companionships. which in turn branches out to three sub-sections; the first is about debatable companionships of the people of Oman. the second about debatable association to Oman and the third talks about both debatable companionships and association to Oman. The third section talks about other
characters. The second chapter of this paper touches on the narrations of those who left behind some narrations. if any, as well as a review of a sample narration from different aspects; Takhreej (Source of Narration). Sanad (chain of narrators). Matn (the body narration) and identifying the Gharib (ambiguous) in these Matn(s). This chapter is also divided into two sections; the first one indicates companions who narrated more than one Hadith-mentioning narrations of eleven characters, and the second highlights the companions who narrated just one Hadith mentioning narrations of thirteen characters. The research is an effort that covers biographies of Omani companions as well as their narrations of Hadiths stressing out the important role Omanis played in spreading the Prophet Sunnah. Furthermore, it highlights the roots of the strong connections between Omani people and the prophet's and companions' time. The research conclusion summarizes some findings related to claimed new names of companions added by the research Omani companionships Darajat (grade) of their narrations of Hadith and part of the role Omani people the research • as part of the conclusion«played to serve Islam. Finally provided some recommendations that can support this study and achieve its objectives