قرائن التحليل النحوي في شرح الجامع الصحيح للشيخ السالمي
العبري, خالد بن هلال بن ناصر.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This study implemented the theory of Dr. Tammam Hassan entitled (grammatical evidences) addressed in his book (Arabic language meaning and its building). The book is based on the explanation carried out by Sheikh AL Salmi of the famous Hadith book (Al Jamee' Al Sahih) written by Imam AL Rabe' bin Habib. The study aims at investigating the extent to which grammar evidences exist with Hadith analyzers and how they apply them within their explanations.
The study consists of and introduction followed by four chapters: Chapter one: this chapter features three main areas of research; context and evidence, grammatical evidences and grammatical evidences with earlier grammarians. Chapter two: sufficing with one evidence for an attitude. This chapter contains two areas of research; instances where only one view and one evidence exist and instances with multiple views each with a single evidence. Chapter three: having more evidences to one view. This chapter consists of two areas of research; instances with a single view which have various evidences and instances with different views each with different evidences. Chapter four: critical analysis of grammatical evidences in the explanation of AL Jame' Al Sahih. It contains two areas of research; a statistical and descriptive analysis of the grammatical evidences in the book and features in Sheikh AL Salmi method of his grammatical analysis of the book.