الملخص الإنجليزي
Understanding the structure and evolution of the universe has been and remains a very interesting area of research. Many researchers carried out several analyses with different sky survey sizes. In this study, a large sample of galaxies and QSQs has been constructed from ten redshift sky surveys to study the distribution of the galaxies throughout universe. The sample covers a large area of the sky and comprises of 2763064 objects, mostly obtained from the SDSS Survey. The study is focused on the radial distribution of celestial objects, specifically in testing the claim of periodicity (also referred to as the quantization) in the galaxy redshifts. The phenomenon of periodicity was investigated using an unbiased sample of high quality redshift measurements and with periodogram spectral estimation. The radial distribution in the comoving scale was found to exhibit a periodic separation of about ~167 Mpc. No evidence for a periodicity has been found in the redshift (2) scale.