فاعلية برنامج تدريبي قائم على نموذج بيك المعرفي في خفض قلق المستقبل المهني لدى طلبة الصف الحادي عشر بمحافظة مسقط في سلطنة عمان.
الأغبرية, دليلة بنت صالح بن حمدان.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This study invisestigated the effectiveness of career training program to reduce future
career anxiety among eleven graders in Muscat. The sample of the study consisted of (103)
female and male students that was divided into two groups: The experimental group
consisted of (55) male and female students while the control group consisted of (48) female
and male students .The experimental group underwent career training program while the
control group was givien regular activities in career guidance. This study adopted the quasiexperimental method, the researcher used a scale with sound psychometric properties to be
used in the study which is future career anxiety Vignoli and Mallet (2012). The scale
consists of (27) statements divided into three domains: The fear of failing at school and
profession, the fear of his parents' disappointment from his\ her school and profession
choices and the fear moving away from the close-up people. The Cronbach's alpha score
was (0.82). The result of the independent sample t- test showed differences with statistical
significance between the mean of the members in the experimental and the control groups
on the future career anxiety scale in the post- experiment implementation in favor of the
experimental group. The results of the paired sample t- test showed also differences with
statistical significance between the mean of the experimental group in pre and post
implementation of the future career anxiety scale in favor of the post- implementation
evaluation. Tow Way ANOVA test didn't show any differences with statistical significance
between the mean of the members in the experimental group on the future career anxiety
scale refer to gender of students or group interaction and gender. The study presented a
various suggestions and recommendations based on the results.
الأغبرية, دليلة بنت صالح بن حمدان (2020). فاعلية برنامج تدريبي قائم على نموذج بيك المعرفي في خفض قلق المستقبل المهني لدى طلبة الصف الحادي عشر بمحافظة مسقط في سلطنة عمان (رسالة ماجستير، جامعة السلطان قابوس، مسقط، عمان).