الملخص الإنجليزي
The title of the study "The Literature of Omani-related Journeys, Sultan Khalifa bin Haroub's Voyage to Europe as a pattern for study" specifies two essential conditions for determining the material to be studied viz. its being a literary text, and its spatial and temporal environment, namely "Oman".
The study has attempted to cover two axes, viz. history of Omani-related Journeys and their various motives. Accordingly, the first chapter describes the history of Omani-related Journeys and their flourishing phases. It focuses on the booming of the journey making during the era of Al Busaidi reign, regarded as the sponsor for the development of this kind of literature, as well as its advancement in the modern era. The second chapter highlights the motives of: Omani-related journeys (internal and external) in both types (poetic and prosaic).
The second section is dedicated to description of Omani-related journeys to Europe and study of one example of an Omani-related journey to Europe, namely "Sultan Khalifa bin Haroub's Voyage". Thus, the first chapter is exclusively reporting the most significant Omani-related journeys to Europe and the extent to which the Omani culture was influenced by the aspects of cultural and civilization progress as well as educational advancement of those nations, in terms of the prevailing personal view of the others as superior, accompanied by admiration of their possessions. The degree of excitement about the others reached an enormous level, yet it did not go beyond the excitement except to a limited extent.
On the other hand, the second chapter is concerned with studying and analyzing "Sultan Khalifa bin Haroub's Voyage" in respect of the artistry, as it endeavors to shed light on most aspects of the voyage especially in connection to the literature as far as possible.
Finally, the study has presented findings and recommendations that stemmed from the desire to intellectually and artistically benefit from this literature. Among the most important findings and recommendations in this regard are:
Necessity of taking seriously verification of Omani manuscripts found in the Ministry of National Heritage and Culture, as well as in the library of Sayyid Muhammad bin Ahmad Al Busaidi.
Review of verification of some manuscripts concerning the Omani-related journeys, for instance (the Lightning Flashes and Sultan Khalifa bin Haroub's Voyage to Europe).
Attaching importance to the study of the prosaic travels, as they constitute the major part of the literature of Omani-related journeys.
To carry out an extensive literary study of the most famous Omani travelers, of whom the foremost is Said bin Hamed Al Harthiy, who matched Ibn Batootah in the multitude of his voyages and journeys.