الملخص الإنجليزي
This study aims to identify the effectiveness of the use of self-learning strategies (semi-guided discovery and learning modules) in literary texs in the acquisition of higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) and in the learning retention of Grade 11 students in the Sultanante of Oman. The research problem is devided into the following questions:
a. What are the higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, and
evaluation) of literary texts for Grade 11 students?
b. To what extent do these skills exist in Grade 11 students?
c. What are the specifications of a program proposed for learning literary texts, based on the use of self-learning strategies, and aiming at developing the higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation)?
d. How effective is the proposed program in developing the higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) of literary texts of Grade 11 students?
e. How effective is the proposed program in the learning retention of
literary texts?
f. Are there statistically significant differences among the sample of the dependent variable attributable to gender?
To answer these research questions, the researcher has done the following:
1. Preparing an integrated plan defining the research problem, its hypotheses, its significance in education, the temporal, spatial and substantive limits, procedural terminology, and research procedures.
2. Surveying the relevant literature to form a theoretical framework as a basis for the current study, which gives a brief about self-learning and its strategies, its levels of learning, and the role of both the teacher and the learner, and listing the most basic skills that should be taken into consideration in teaching self-learning-based literary texts to Grade 11 students.
3. Defining the study field procedures which are (1)determining the study population which is composed of all Grade 11 students in North Batina Region in Sultanate of Oman, (2)selecting a purposive sample of 180 male and female, (3)listing 14 higher order thinking skills in analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, (4)designing two trial programs based on semi-guided discovery and learning modules and testing their validity and reliability, and (5) designing the tests associated with these programs and testing their validity and reliability.
4. Applying the two programs and their supplements on the sample, which resulted as follows:
a. Self-learning, represented in semi-guided discovery and learning modules strategies, has effectively led to the development of higher order thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, and evaluation) of the literary texts necessary for Grade 11 students. The results of the students of the two experimental groups were better than the students of the control group in the post tests, and the students of the experimental groups achieved better in the post test than in the pretest. Therefore, this proves the effectiveness of these two strategies in teaching literary texts.
b. Self-learning, represented in semi-guided discovery and learning modules strategies, has caused learning retention to last longer. The students' of the experimental group outperformed the students of the control group in learning retention test. In addition, the students of the experimental group scored higher in the learning retention test than in the post test.
c. The statistical data treatment proved that there is a significant difference between male and female students in developing higher order thinking skills and learning retention.
The study concludes with some recommendations as follows:
1. Self-learning strategies of literary texts in particular and learning Arabic in general should be developed and given more attention, whether in the preparation of the curriculum or in the teaching methods used in active learning based on the learner's effort and self action.
2. Learning Resource Centers should be equipped with all audio-visual ·
and interactive learning and teaching materials and activities which increase the effectiveness of self-learning strategies.
3. The democracy of learning should be developed and enhanced in
The primary proposals advocated by this study are as follows:
1. Designing scientific measures for literature appreciation for Post Basic Education students.
2. Conducting more action researches on the effectiveness of self- learning strategies in learning Arabic and learning retention of students using other variables.
3. Conducting a critical study on the content of the scope and sequence matrix for Arabic Language curriculum for Post Basic Education in the light of the higher order thinking skills and its development strategies.