الملخص الإنجليزي
Knowledge is one of the most important intangible assets and a major tool in decision making in modern societies. Inhabitants' knowledge acquisition is an important social
and economic force that will drive change in any society by enabling the
implementation of innovative ideas and practices. A review of the research background
shows that despite the usability of inhabitant knowledge, for the time being, the degree
to which the process of inhabitants' knowledge acquisition integrated into the public
policy-making system is still ambiguous. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to
investigate the effective techniques for inhibitants knowledge acquistoin, and the
enablers that affect the process of inhabitants' knowledge acquisition in the public
policy-making organizations from the perspectives of policy-makers After a
comprehensive review of the previous study, the study found 51 individual,
organizational, technological and inhabitants enabling elements, in addition to 36
technological and social techniques. The thesis conducted two rounds of a Delphi
study targeting 31 policy makers in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). In order to
analyze the data using SPSS software, Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance was used
to determine the consensus among the policy-makers. The most effective techniques
of inhabitants' knowledge acquisition included meetings, interviews, social media, and
field visits. While the most effective enabling factors were the willingness of
inhabitants to get involved, the information technology infrastructure, the support of
the IT staff, and the trust of the inhabitants in the policy-makers. These methods and
effective enablers of the inhabitants' knowledge acquisition from the policy- makers'
perspectives have provided a better understanding of the inhabitants' knowledge
acquisition process in the policy-making organizations. This thesis contributed to
theoretical knowledge and studies of the factors associated with the effective
techniques of the inhabitants' knowledge acquisition in the context of public policy
making in the geographical framework of the GCC Countries. As a result, the public
sector will be able to enhance inhabitants' participation, overcome obstacles to this
practice and achieve effective government performanc