المرونة النفسية وعلاقتها بمفهوم الذات لدى معلمات الحلقة الأولى بمدارس ولاية إزكي بمحافظة الداخلية في سلطنة عُمان.
التوبيـة, نـوال بنت ناصـر بـن حمـدان.
الملخص الإنجليزي
The current study explored the concept of psychological resilience and its relationship with self-concept among female cycle one school teachers in the wilayat of Izki in Al-Dakhiliya governorate in the Sultanate of Oman. In particular, it aimed to determine the levels of both psychological resilience and self-concept among these teachers and whether there is any statistically signification correlation between the two concepts. The study also investigated the statistical significant differences in the level of self-concept that can be attributed to the variables of age and academic qualification. In addition, it explored the degree of psychological resilience's contribution to predicting the level of self-concept.
The study community consisted of (138) female teacher drawn from cycle one schools in the wilayat. The study used the descriptive correlative approach. The key research findings include:
● There is a high level of psychological resilience among teachers of the first cycle schools in the wilayat of Izki.
● There is an overall high level of self-concept among the study sample.
● There is a significant positive correlation between psychological resilience and self-concept at the significance level of (α ≥0.05).
● There are no statistically significant differences in the overall means of self-concept that can be attributed to the variable of age among the study sample. However, there are statistically significant differences at the significance level of (≥α 0.05) in the sample's overall means of self-concept that can be attributed to the variable of academic qualification. These differences were in favour of teachers who hold a master's degree or higher.
● Psychological resilience explains (2.8%) of the total variance of self-concept.
The results of the current study were discussed and interpreted in the light of the findings of some previous research. The study concluded with drawing some recommendations.