الملخص الإنجليزي
The aim of this study to build collective guidance program and investigation it is effectiveness to development of sociality responsibility, to whom were committed traffic accidents in dhahira region in sultanate
of Oman. And to specification sample of study and the researcher was applied measure of sociality responsibility and the researcher was applied measure of sociality responsibility and he was build it with purpose of this study, to whom were presented to participation in program of guidance and number of them (72) drivers, whom were committed traffic accidents, and was chose participators whom were
awarded less degree, in measure of sociality responsibility and number of them (18) drivers, and they were specified with random way to tow groups: first: experimentalism group. The number of it is (9) drivers it was took collective guidance program and it was build to realization aims of this study. And second: disciplined group and number of it (9)
drivers this group it is not take any treatment.
Collective guidance program already was lean on actual cure (RT), choice theory (CT) belong to (Glasser), and program was formed from (14) guidance sessions it was executed while seven weeks, two guidance sessions every weeks, time of every session about (70-90) minutes. The researchers. were did counting of mathematical middles
and normative deviations for degrees of individuals of two groups:
experimentalism and disciplined on measure of sociality responsibility,
on every dimension from four dimensions, on all measure: before, after
and following or continuation. it was used test of Mann Whitney to
realization from statistics guidance for differences between degrees of
sociality responsibility on the individuals of two groups: experimentalism
and disciplined.
Result of study was showed that there are differences in statistic guiding
on standard of guiding (0.05 >a), between degrees of two groups : experimentalism and disciplined on total degree for measure of sociality responsibility, and every dimension from it is dimensions for interest of
experimentalism, on all of two measures: after and following continuation), of what is signal to collective guidance program effectiveness wish was used in this study to development of sociality
responsibility on individuals of study sample. Also was used test of (Wilcoxon), to realization from statistics guiding for differences between degrees of sociality responsibility on individuals of two groups :
experimentalism and disciplined, on all measure before or after, for one
group alone. It is measure with full degree of measure and with all
remoteness from it is distances (dimensions). The results of study was
showed differences it has statistics guiding on standard of guiding
(0,01>a) between degrees of individuals of experimentalism group, on
two measure: before and after to the benefit of after, also results
showed nonexistence differences in degrees of sociality responsibility on
two measures: before and after for individuals of disciplined group, of
what signal to effectiveness of collective guidance program to
development of sociality responsibility on drivers whom were committed
traffic accidents.