الملخص الإنجليزي
Managers in Oman face challenges in selecting their organization's project portfolio caused by the
complexity of internal and external environmental factors affecting their operations. This research
introduces a technique with complexity, which seeks to support leaders in Muscat Electrical
Distribution Company (one of the Nama Group companies) to allocate the annual budget among
potential projects to be conducted in their electrical network. A total of 19 projects assembled into
three clusters aligned to the organisation's targets have been examined using the Project Strategic
Index (PSI).
The model integrates the Analytical Network Process (ANP) and Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
techniques with data taken from the experts during the meetings and interviews conducted. It is an
integrated BSC-ANP approach for prioritising the projects that achieve the company's strategic
The BSC was used as a criterion for the model. A total of 8 criteria were identified and grouped
into four clusters. These clusters included the Financial, customer, internal process and learning
and growth clusters. In addition, the 19 projects were used as alternatives in the model as the ANP
method contains three pillars to conduct the analysis: the goal, criteria, and options. The ANP
technique tolerates the collection of the experts' conclusions and assumptions on each of the
indicators used into one Index in the model. Additionally, and dissimilar to other Multicriteria
Decision Aid (MCDA) methods, ANP deals with the decision-making model that uses the
interactions among dependent criteria. In addition, the experts have identified a total of 8 criteria
to be considered in the prioritisation of the strategic lines of the company