الملخص الإنجليزي
The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program
based on the Lesson Study Approach in developing the teaching self-efficacy
of mathematics teachers in the Sultanate of Oman and their perceptions
towards it. It also aimed to investigate developing their students' creative
thinking. A quasi-experimental research design was used. The study consisted
of two sets, the first set consisted of one piloting group of (22) mathematics
teachers, from two schools in South Batinah Governorate of Sultanate Oman.
While the second set consisted of (107) grade 6 students. It was divided into
(53) students representing the piloting group taught by the lesson study
approach, and (54) students representing the control group who taught the
usual way. To answer the study questions, four tools were designed by the
researcher: The teachers' self-efficacy scale, the interview about Teachers'
Perceptions of the Lesson Study approach, and the creative thinking test for
students. The tools were verified by several judges in the field, and the validity
and reliabilities of these tools were calculated .
After implementing the tools, the results showed a statistically
significant difference between the means scores of mathematics teachers in
pre and first post applications of the teachers' self-efficacy scale, in favor of
first post-application, and there was a statistically significant difference
between the means scores of mathematics teachers in the first post and second
post applications of the teachers' self-efficacy scale, in favor second post application. The result, also, showed there was a modification of teachers'
perceptions between pre and post interviews about Professional Programs that
teachers believe are most effective for improving their teaching practices; they
prefer to implement lesson study as one of the most important effective
professional practices in improving their teaching of mathematics. Also, the
results showed there was no statistical difference between the means scores of
piloting and control groups of students in post-application of the creative
thinking test for students .
In the light of the above results, several recommendations were
proposed, such as providing support and teaching materials to enable teachers
to implement the lesson study approach in schools. In addition, the researcher
suggested further investigating the effectiveness of the Lesson Study
Approach at different variables related to teachers, and to what extent reflects
on their students' learning of other topics in mathematics.