مدى رقابة القضاء الإداري على تظلمات تقويم الأداء السنوي للموظف العام في سلطنة عمان.
الكثيري, سالم بن أحمد بن مسلم.
أكاديمية السلطان قابوس لعلوم الشرطة.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This study examined the extent of the Administrative Judiciary's supervision and
treatment of the grievances toward the outcome of the annual performance apprais als of the public servants as well as their rights and duties. The study also exam ined the procedures pertaining to the grievances، their duration and the responsible
authorities to whom the administrative grievances or appeals are addressed. To
serve its objectives، the study utilized two perspectives،
The first، concerned with examining the legal texts that inform an employee
of their rights with regard to their awareness of all procedures and regulations
relate to the assessment of their performance، or any decision for referring
them to any administrative disciplinary procedure.
The second، focused on all the judicial applications and actions taken by the
judicial circles of both Primary and Appeal Courts while handling administrative conflicts and their appeals