الملخص الإنجليزي
Perhaps everything that is human - whether it is questioned in the past or in the present - raises a moral problem in the view of Vladimir Yanklevich, whatever the formula and context, and accordingly raises the problem of the meaning. As for Emmanuel Levinas, he believes that the major issue that occupied human thought - and philosophy in particular - is represented in highlighting what is human in man, not through the establishment of a theory of knowledge or a political theory, but rather by constantly engaging in understanding the meaning of the other as the origin of every relationship to existence. Therefore, the most important thing that can be accomplished is mobilizing capacities - constantly - in order to respect the difference of the other, and not reduce it to one identity, or insist on subjecting it to all that entails in terms of arbitrariness and violation of the dignity of the being, which calls for a dislocation of the centrality of the self, and making it become a "subject" of others sake.