الملخص الإنجليزي
Due to the importance and role of electronic means in enriching e commerce, the need for a third party independent of the parties to the legal relationship has emerged, which inspires confidence and security for internet customers, and this entity is called the electronic certification body, and due to the importance of this entity organized by the legislator of the law Related to electronic signature and certification in which the approach of international directives and some other national laws relating to this area has been followed.
To make electronic transactions transparent, the legislator has approved some of the conditions that must be met in the person performing electronic certification services, as well as between the obligations of the obligation to verify the validity of the data, the obligation to issue the electronic certification certificate, and the obligation Confidentiality, in addition to the obligation to suspend or cancel the electronic certification certificate if a reason arises, and any breach of these obligations leads to the civil liability of the provider of electronic certification services of both types, the first being the contractual liability arising from breach of contractual obligations.
Between the electronic certification service provider and the holder of the electronic certification certificate, the second is the default liability arising from a breach of a legal obligation between the performers of electronic certification services and others.