Ultrastructural features of eggshells of the green turtles, chelonia mydas from Ras Al-Hadd reserve, Oman.
Microscopy and Microanalysis. v. 9, SUPPL. 2, p. 1494-1495
Cambridge University Press.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This is the first study on the ultrastructure of the eggshells of the green turtles
Chelonia mydas in Oman
Eggs of green sea turtles, Chelonia mydas were collected from Ras Al-Hadd.
Eggshells were taken from freshly oviposited eggs and from eggs soon after hatching.
Samples were cleaned and cut into small pieces. Some eggshells were examined
under low vacuum condition (untreated) and viewed with back scattered electron
detector (BSE) at 20kV and 20 Pa vacuum pressure using JEOL JSM-5600LV, SEM.
Others were examined under high vacuum condition after being gold coated (BioRad SEM Sputter coater) using JSM-5600LV, SEM and viewed with secondary
electron detector (SE) at 5kV.
DOI: 10.1017/s1431927603447478