الملخص الإنجليزي
This study aimed to assess the extent of transformational leadership
practices and crisis management application among principals of
government schools in the South Al Batinah Governorate, Oman, from the
perspective of teachers. The study also sought to explore the relationship
between transformational leadership and crisis management. The research
employed a descriptive approach and utilized a questionnaire as a data
collection tool, comprising two main axes. The first axis measured
transformational leadership practices across four dimensions (idealized
influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and
individual consideration). The second axis measured crisis management
across three stages (pre-crisis, crisis occurrence, and post-crisis). The
study's sample included 366 male and female teachers. The findings
indicated that the degree of transformational leadership practices among
school principals was generally high across all dimensions. No
statistically significant gender-based differences were found in the overall
degree, although there were differences in individual consideration and
intellectual stimulation favoring females. Statistically significant
differences observed based on educational stage, except for inspirational
motivation, which favored the first stage. Differences in individual
consideration were also noted between principals of second cycle (grades
5-10) and post-basic (grades 11-12) schools, favoring the latter category.
No statistically significant differences were found based on the variable
of years of work experience.
Regarding crisis management, the results showed a high overall
degree of application among school principals across all stages.
Statistically significant gender-based differences favored females.
Educational stage differences were also observed, favoring the first stage.
Differences found in the pre-crisis stage between the second cycle and
post-basic levels, favoring post-basic schools. No statistically significant
differences were found based on years of work experience. The study
revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between the degree
of transformational leadership and the degree of crisis management
application among principals of basic education schools in South Al
Batinah Governorate at a significance level of (α≤0.01). The study
recommends incorporating transformational leadership into school
leadership programs.