الملخص الإنجليزي
Background: Myasthenia gravis is a rare autoimmune disease caused by antibodies that probably originate from the thymus glands. This study examined the epidemiology of patients with MG, who underwent thymectomy over the last three decades. Methods: The objectives of this observational study were to investigate the clinicopathological features, treatment modalities, and prognostic factors for patients with thymic masses, over three decades at the Royal Hospital, Muscat, Oman. Results: There were 100 patients who underwent thymectomy with a mean (SD) age of 32.0 (8.6) years, of which 20% were men and 80% were women. Their follow up period, cardiac and neurology clinics, ranged from 1.5 to 12.0 years with a mean (SD) of 6.0 (3.0) years. Small percentage of MG patients had diabetes and hypertension and 10% of patients have positive family history of MG. Symptoms at the onset of the disease were ophthalmoplegia in 75%, limb weakness in 39%, bulbar symptoms in 57% and respiratory symptoms in 39% of patients. The Osserman grading was Grade I – 5%, Grade IIA – 39%, Grade IIB – 34%, and Grade III – 22%. Post thymectomy, 21% of patients had complete clinical remission, 76% of patients had significant clinical improvement and 3% had no apparent improvement in their clinical status. Histologically, hyperplasia was found in 57% and involuted thymus in 18% of patients. Conclusion: Thymectomy can reduce patient's need for medication and reduce the severity of MG regardless of age, sex, severity, or length of sickness, or thymic masses. The early-onset, sever M.G, female, thymic hyperplasia benefit the most. Patients classified as Osserman Class IIA and IIB benefit most from this procedure.