الملخص الإنجليزي
In situations of restricted food supply, the trophic niches of closely-related species of animals should be separate. For sit-and-wait hunters, such as shrikes, this is associated with competition for food and hunting sites. In the present study, the foraging behaviour of two shrike species – Red-tailed Shrike Lanius phoenicuroides and Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio – was studied in a desert habitat in Oman. The fieldwork was carried out in September 2019, during the peak migration of these birds. Their behaviour was recorded in detail during 30-minute observation bouts. A General Linear Mixed Model with logit link function and binomial error variance was used to compare their behaviour. The type of perch and its height did not differ between them, but there were significant differences in their use of look-out posts only in the mean duration of a single perching event, which was more than twice as long in Red-backed Shrike. No differences in prey size were found between the species and hunting success (the ratio of successful attacks to all attacks) was similar in both (RtS-RbS: 46 vs. 61%). Dietary diversity was twice as great in Red-tailed Shrike as in Red-backed Shrike, but in general, their diets did not differ very much. Dietary overlap between the species at this level of prey identification was 92%. This absence of differences in some aspects of behaviour and diet may be due to the similarity of the two species, above all their same body size, and even the possibility of hybridization. If the species compared are so similar due to body size, behaviour and evolutionary relationship their food niches may overlap.