Development of powerhouse using fresnel lens.
MATEC Web of Conferences. v. 144, 04006
Al-Dohaniyah, Nawar Saif.
الملخص الإنجليزي
Solar energy is an alternative source of renewable energy. Sultanate of Oman government showed initiation on utilization of solar energy for domestic and industrial applications. Fresnel lens is one of the methods to collect maximum energy by gathering heat of the sun in the concentrated form (using solar collectors). Earlier research work discloses that Fresnel lens gave better result in terms of power output and produces lower heat loss as compared to linear -parabolic solar collectors. In this work, development of a proto Fresnel lens power house was made to generate electricity. The focused heat from Fresnel lens was used to heat the molten salt in a heat exchanger to produce the steam. The generated steam was used to rotate the steam engine coupled to a generator. In the current work, a maximum power of 30 W was produced. In addition, comparative study was carried out regarding solar salts and heat exchanger materials to understand the Fresnel powerhouse performance. Overall the present study gave valuable information regarding usage of Fresnel lens for electricity generation in Oman.
DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/201714404006