فاعلية برنامج توجيه جمعي قائم على نموذج ليفرمور في تنمية الذكاء الثقافي لدى طلبة الصف الحادي عشر في محافظة مسقط.
مجلة الآداب والعلوم الاجتماعية. مج. 15. ع. 3. ص. 157-172.
كلية الآداب والعلوم الاجتماعية، جامعة السلطان قابوس.
العنوان الأصلي
فاعلية برنامج توجيه جمعي قائم على نموذج ليفرمور في تنمية الذكاء الثقافي لدى طلبة الصف الحادي عشر في محافظة مسقط.
الملخص الإنجليزي
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a Livermore-based career guidance program in
developing cultural intelligence among students of grade 11 in Muscat Governorate. The study sample included
96 students who acquired scores below the average in the pretest. Students were divided into two groups:
Experimental group that consisted of 48 student and control group that contained 48 students. The experimental
group underwent a career guidance program. Cultural intelligence scale was applied, which included 20
statements distributed in four dimensions: metacognition, cognitive, motivational, and behavioral. The program
consisted of 12 sessions to develop cultural intelligence among students. The results showed that there were
statistically significant differences between the mean score of the experimental and the control group, and the
differences in favor of the experimental group on all dimensions of the cultural intelligence scale. The results
illustrated that there were statistically significant differences between the mean score of the pre and posttest
of the experimental group indicating the differences in favor of the posttest. Results also showed statistical
significance between experimental group response and gender which was in favor of the female students.