الملخص الإنجليزي
The heritage in the poetry of Said Al Saqalawi Prepared by: Adnan Bin Khair Bin Shenain Al Makdami Supervisory Board: Dr. Mohammed Ibrahim Madani This study aims at highlighting the extent of investing the concept of heritage in the Omani poetry being a cultural, intellectual, literary and religious tradition and thus the study took poet Said Al Saqalawi as an example.
The nature of study dictated to sub divide the issue into three chapters i.e.
Chapter one: This chapter tackled the issue of heritage resources in poetry of Said Al Saqalawi, as it dealt with national resources and Omani folklore like (ships, Omani customs and traditions, Omani jewelry and clothing (Sur designs) and places .Also religious resources (Holy Quran, prophetic tradition "Hadith"), historical resources and literary resources.
Chapter two: provided for levels of heritage inspiration being: partial inspiration and absolute inspiration.
Chapter three: addressed the language, formulations, poetic picture, rhythm and music.
The study was culminated by concluding variable results represented in that the Omani contemporary poetry
catered for investing heritage to advocate for new contemporary concepts and notions, and that the Omani
poet Said Al Saqalawi was able to reflect his country's Oman heritage, especially his hometown "Sur" that
witnessed and nurtured his early years of childhood, as he absorbed its maritime heritage in addition, the poet has
invested upon Holy Koran and Prophetic tradition in his poems a thing that is related to religious tendency in his
early life. However, The poet Said Al Saqalawi also exhibited the heritage of Arab World, as his language was
replete with Omani rich heritage expressions of variable semantically nature. He utilized light poetic measures and
practiced a trend to actuate some of his poems and used poetic pictures that present the image of past heritage
Sur. These poetic pictures carried many indications, symbols and expressions and a trend towards simplicity, easiness of poem formulation so as it would reach the intellect of recipients. The study was concluded with a set of recommendations that were included in the conclusion.