الملخص الإنجليزي
Uphole and surface seismic refraction surveys were carried out in parts of the Niger Delta, Nigeria, to delineate weathering thickness and velocity associated with aweathered layer. A total of twelve uphole and surface seismic refraction surveyswere shot, computed and analyzed. The velocity of the uphole seismic refraction ranged from 344.8 to 680.3 m/s with a thickness of 5.45 to 13.35 m. Surface seismic refraction ranged from 326.6 to 670.2 m/s and 4.30 to 12.0 m, respectively. The average velocity and thickness ranged from 559.6 to 548.0 m/s and 9.43 to 8.63m with differences of 11.6 m/s and 0.83 m respectively. The VW/VS ratios ranged from 0.955 to 1.059. This indicates that the uphole velocity is higher than the surface refraction velocity leading to low VW/VS values. This is a direct experimental proof of a low velocity zone, confirming the weathered nature of the area. The results of both refraction methods are reliable; the differences in surface refraction values are due to shot point offsets. Based on these findings, it is recommended that shots for seismic surveys should be located above 15.0 m in the area to delineate the effects associated with weathered layers to ensure that will be competent to withstand engineering structures.