Influence of reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregates on strength and durability properties of concrete mixes in rigid pavements.
Journal of Engineering Research, v. 20, no. 1, p. 1-11.
College of Engineering, Sultan Qaboos University.
العنوان الأصلي
Influence of reclaimed asphalt pavement aggregates on strength and durability properties of concrete mixes in rigid pavements.
الملخص الإنجليزي
The use of Reclaimed Asphalt
Pavement (RAP) aggregates in rigid pavements
instead of conventional aggregates in Himalayan
regions solves the problem associated with
shrinking natural resources and dumping of
wastes. This study studied the effect of partial
replacement of conventional coarse aggregates
by RAP in Dry Lean Concrete (DLC) mixes
suitable for rigid pavements. A total of 114
specimens (cubical and cylindrical) were cast
and tested for mechanical and durability
properties as per ASTM and IS code guidelines,
partially replaced with CRAP by 25%, 50%, and
75% by weight. The simultaneous effect of fly ash
addition by partial replacement of cement by it
was also studied. The study concludes that 25%
partial replacement by CRAP with 10% fly ash as
partial replacement of cement led to the
achievement of the strength benchmark as
mandated by IRC SP 44 (2014). It was also
observed that durability properties such as
resistance to acid attack, sulphate attack and
carbonation also improved in DLC mixes,
including CRAP and fly ash, when compared to
control mixes.