Journal of Engineering Research, v. 19, no. 2, p. 140-151.
الملخص الإنجليزي
Planar concentrators are used in the current manuscript to improve the solar PV system parameters (electrical energy, array yield, and solar irradiation). Additionally, study the temperature (both the ambient temperature and the temperature of the PV modules), performance ratio, and efficiency. The current PV system is situated at Al-Taji town in Baghdad. These improvements are achieved by using planar concentrators to increase solar radiation (made of aluminium metal). The results demonstrated a 21% increase in the yearly average energy output for improved solar PV modules. The improved solar PV modules' average yearly array yield increased by 20.6%. Compared to the reference PV modules, the improved solar PV modules received 24% more solar irradiation yearly on average. The monthly average of the performance ratio (PR) and efficiency to the improved solar PV modules and reference solar PV modules are 89.3% & 13.61%, and 91.2% & 13.89%, respectively. The yearly average temperatures of the reference PV solar modules and improved PV solar modules are 48.8°C and 46.0°C, respectively, at an average ambient temperature of 29.2°C. The originality of this work is the successful improvement of the electrical energy of the grid-tied PV system, in addition to studying the performance of the second generation of photovoltaic solar modules (CIGS), where CIGS is the PV module technology that is used in this manuscript.