الملخص الإنجليزي
This study aimed at determining the barriers to the promotion of higher order thinking in history among secondary stage students in Oman in the viewpoint of the teachers and the supervisors. It aimed also at determining the impact of sex, teachers' preparation institution and the experience variables in the projection of history teachers of these difficulties.
To accomplish the aim of the study, the researcher made a questionnaire after consulting the educational literature and the review of previous studies. The questionnaire was validated by having a number of specialists judging its appropriateness. Its reliability was determined by using Cronbach - Alf formula which reached (0, 79). Therefore, the questionnaire contained(32) items divided under five domains. Then it was applied on a sample of 218 history teachers and 22 history supervisors.
The main important results of the study are summarized as follows: 1-The difficulties domains in the teachers' assessment came in descending order as follows : administration, school's environment, students, evaluation, content and teacher and educational situation. 2-The difficulties domain in the supervisors' viewpoint came in descending order as follows: administration, school' environment, evaluation, content, teacher and educational situation, students. 3-There are statistically significant differences 'at (Alfa = 0,05) in the teachers' assessment which is attributed to the preparation institution variable in favor of sultan Qaboos university graduates in all of the domains except the evaluation domain. 4-There are no statistically significant differences at (Alfa = 0,05) in teachers' assessment mean which is attributed to sex variable except in the students and the content domains. It came in favor of the female teachers. 5-There are no statistically significant differences at (Alfa = 0,05) in teachers' assessment mean which is attributed to the experience variable except in the teacher and the educational situation domain. This difference is between long-term and short-term experienced teachers. It came in favor of the long-term experienced teachers.
Based on the findings of the study, the researcher made some recommendations.