الملخص الإنجليزي
This thesis is about Jamal Abdel Nasser and the political movement in Oman during the period (1954-1968). The importance of this thesis shows the principles and the values that Jamal Adel Nasser believed in impact in Oman study that speaks about the and the support devoted by Egypt to achieve an awareness of the patriotic sense and resistance against the British occupation of Oman. Moreover ,The study highlighted the contribution of the Egyptian revolution's in the Gulf Region in general and in Oman particularly. It also shows the effects radiated from the Egyptian revolution and its philosophy that extended to the boundary of the Arab countries.
The study aims to be identified the Egyptian revolution the strategy and It also aims to demonstrate the internal situations that prevailed in Oman during the period when the revolution erupted. The study seeks to know the effect of the Egyptian revolution thought on Oman and to highlight the role played by the leaders of revolution on the Omani Case.
Based on the analytical, descriptive and historical methodology, the study was divided into preface, three chapters and a conclusion. The preface addresses the situations that followed the Second World War and its effects on the Arab World; especially the Gulf Area. Such effects were expected to contribute into giving reasons that helped in accepting the thoughts of the Egyptian Revolution.
The first chapter of this study was specialized for speaking about the Egyptian 23rd of July Revolution and the strategy it followed in forming its thoughts. Moreover, this chapter addressed the media effects that had a significant role in spreading a national awareness; which supports instilling the patriotism spirit. This Second Chapter focused on the history of the Sultanate during the period from (1954–1959) through demonstrating the internal situations. It also explained how the Egyptian revolution thoughts managed to permeate into Oman. The third chapter addressed the discussion of the Omani case in the international forums and the Egyptian support to it. In addition, it discussed the sequence of the Nationalistic influence on the events in Dhofar till the year 1968 and the reasons that led to the fading of the Nationalistic thoughts despite the continuous existence of a political movement; namely the "Popular Front" till the year 1976. At the conclusion, the study reached some results including discovering the stages of change in the Arab World and the Gulf Area in particular after the Second World War. It also identified the reasons that led to the eruption of the conflict between the Sultanate of Muscat and the Imamate of Oman. The study explained the support provided by Egypt for the Sultanate and all the anti-colonial issues. It also showed the emergence of the Omani Case on the Arab and the international levels.