الملخص الإنجليزي
Maritime Piracy came to the world since Man used the sea a mean for his transportation and movement. For decades, it remained within its pure economy concept as a crime committed for money and wares, and sometime for revenge from one another. However, this concept has changed in the present, and beside its economy motives, this phenomena took political and security dimensions. Piracy is no longer a mean for merely sustenance, it became a lucrative trade that gaining millions of dollars and managed by countries and organizations have various aims, dimensions and anticipations. The business of piracy in the horn of Africa continues by armed Somalis in an atmosphere of instability and lack of security as well as violence between different Somali parties and groups, in addition to external military intervention. This has resulted in an unprecedented hike of piracy activities, and the horn of Africa was classified as the most dangerous maritime spot in the world. Somalia has became the main business center for piracy activities, especially in Portland province which enjoys a sort of independence, or, what can be described as distant from the central authority domination in Somalia. Despite the advanced civilization in the globe, and the existence of international organizations, laws and courts, and high-tech means for inspection and observations, as well as fast aviation and lethal weapons, yet pirates are freely patrolling seas, looting crossing ships by the force of weapons fearlessly. Furthermore, now they have the means that enables them to follow the target ships since it launches from any port in the world, until it reaches the area where the piracy operation is executed. The since 2007 the news of maritime piracy was heading the front pages of newspaper, magazines and news agencies. Despite the worldwide attention for this phenomena, yet piracy operations continue to increase. Hardly a day passes without hearing the news of a group of pirates hijacking a ship or trying to do so. To overlook the legal issues related to this subject, I decided to select this topic for my research and study. The researcher will try to throw some light this phenomena, its reasons and the associated incidents of this crime despite the shortage of the specialized scientific research on this field in the Arabic library.