سلطة الإدعاء العام في إنهاء الدعوى العمومية بدون محاكمة .
العلوي, حماد بن سعيد بن سيف.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This thesis aims at familiarizing oneself with the jurisdiction of public prosecution in discontinuing public action without a trial by attempting to answer the following queries .
1- The authority responsible for issuing discountenance decisions in public action.
2- The reasons of discontinuing a public action .
3- The authority authorized to overrule/cancel discontinuance dictions .
4- Procedures of issuing Penal orders and ways to overrule/cancel then The researcher has attempted to answer these guidelines by making acomparison and contrast between the Omani legal system and the Egyption one to highlight aspects of similarity and differences. It has become evident through this thesis that there are many aspects of similarity between the two systems in all the subjects that has been addressed in the thesis. Here are the most significant findings reached in thesis :
1- Adecision of discontinuance is issued during the preliminary investigation since it is one method of disposition during the preliminary investigation.
2- Adecision of discontinuance and panal order as well are issued from public prosecution since it is considered to be ajudicial authority according to the Omani legal law .