إجراءات مقترحة لتطوير إدارة مواهب القيادات المدرسية الناشئة في المدارس و المديريات العامة للتربية و التعليم بسلطنة عمان.
الحارثية, خالصة بنت سالم بن حمد.
الملخص الإنجليزي
The study aimed to propose procedures to develop talent management of emerging school leaders in schools and Educational General Directorates in Sultanate of Oman. This is after studying the reality of talent management of emerging school leaders at three levels: (1) Departments of Human Resources Development, (2) schools (3) and cooperation between the Departments of Human Resources Development and schools.
Qualitative and quantitative approaches were adopted in data collection by using two tools: Questionnaire and interviews. Questionnaire was applied to (400) supervisors in Departments of Human Resources Development and administrators staff in schools. The interviews were with individuals of higher and moderate leaderships in Ministry of Education & Educational General Directorates.
The study found in the questionnaire sample that the reality of talent management for emerging school leaders were at average degree for schools and weak degree for Departments of Human Resources Development and cooperation between Departments of Human Resources Development and schools. The results of questionnaire showed statistical significant differences at the significance level of (as 0.05) about the reality in two levels: level of Departments of Human Resources Development and level of schools accordance to gender favoring females, as well as academic qualification factor favoring the bachelor degree and less.
The results also showed the presence of statistically significant differences at the level of the three levels of the questionnaire according to the factor of work nature, for the benefit of administrators in schools compared to supervisors in the Departments of Human Resources Development.
The study resulted in setting proposed actions in order to develop talent management of emerging school leaders in schools and Educational General Directorates in Sultanate of Oman, including: finding a job specializing for talent management in the Departments of Human Resources Development in Directorates General of Education and the preparation of a second line of school leaders by taking advantage of talented teachers.