الملخص الإنجليزي
This study aimed at evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the training program for the basic education school principals in the Sultanate of Oman, from the point of view of the newly appointed principals. The study also aimed at identifying whether there is a difference in the evaluation according to cycle level (cycle one and two) and experience variables. In addition the purpose of the study was to provide several measures in order to improve the quality of the training for basic education school principals. The study data were collected by use several measures including a questionnaire, an observation and an interview. Attention was made to secure the validity and reliability of these measures. The sample of the study consisted of (94) principals, (44) of whom were from cycle one of the basic education and(50) from cycle two, from different Educational Omani regions. This was apart from (6) of training seniors and (20) trainers. Several statistical analyze the results, including means, Person correlation, frequency, T-test, and ANOVA, The study finding were as follows:. 1- The strengths of the training program from the point of view of the sample were a)The good quality of planning and designing of the program. b) It satisfies the job need for school principals. c) The dealing with modern multimedia in education field. d) It contains some subjects related to the duties of basic school principals. 2- The weakness of the program were: a) The lack of adequate training experience. b) The shortage of time allocated for training session. c) The dependence of some trainers on the theoretical side. d) The lectures halls are not prepared properly. e) Some trainers are not qualified enough to perform their duties properly. 3- There were significant differences in accordance to cycle level (one or two) variable favoring level one in: . A- There were statistically significant differences at level (a:0.01) attributed to educational cycles (one and two) variable for the benefit of the principal of cycle one in all domains of questionnaire, at the same time there were on statistically significant differences of the programme timing. B- There were no statistically significant differences of gender variable throughout the study domains (the needs, the objectives, the plan, the method, the trainers, the environment and the evaluation). At the same time there were statistically significant differences on the programme timing for male principals of basic education. C- There were no statistically significant differences on the experience in the all fields of the study. According to the analysis of the literature, and the finding of the field study, the study reached the following suggestions:
1- The application of the participation principal to satisfy the training needs for trainers. 2- The clarification of the exact training objectives. 3- The participation of all the educational regions in designing the training programme .4- The evaluation of the training programme should be carried out by experts and professional cadres.