تقويم كتابي الثقافة الاسلامية للصفين الحادي عشر و الثاني عشر بسلطنة عمان في ضوء المفاهيم الاسلامية المناسبة لطلبتيهما
الهاشمي, سعيد بن حمد بن سلطان.
الملخص الإنجليزي
This study aimed at a written report for the Islamic culture in grados11&12in Oman through the suitable Islamic concepts for our students in the form of questions and WCE.
1. How much is the content of grades 11&12 books Islamic culture for these concepts?
2. Is there a difference in the two books regarding the content of those concepts?
3. What are the suitable suggested proposals for the distribution of those concepts for the students in the two books!
-To answer the mentioned above questions the researcher set up two fools: Alist of Islamic concepts suitable for the students in the two grades was done. Its validity was checked by a number of 23 judges. A List of content analysis derived from the previous one was approved by 14 judges to make sure of its validity. At the same time the researcher analysed some lessons (samples from the prescribed book and asked another colleague to do the same The rate of agreement between the two was (89.7 %) The main results of this study:
1. Most of the Islamic concepts exist in the two books came at different rates eg. concepts of belief 32.5%), current cases concepts (23.94%), ethical concepts (17.7%), fiqih concepts (15.5%) The Prophet biography(serah) (8.94%). Holly Quran sciences concepts and honored hadith were the lowest rates (15%).
2. The total of repeated concepts(708)in the sample study. 3. In grade 11 the repeated concepts (412) out of (708) about (58.2%) of the total repletion of the concepts In grade 12about( 296) concepts (42,8%). According to these results the following are recommended the following To make use of the Islamic concepts list in the study. Including those concepts in the books when developing the curriculum in grades 11&12 and also represented some suggestions to other researchers.