الملخص الإنجليزي
This study investigates and analyzes the character of Omani woman and traces her social and artistical dimensions through the Omani short stories during the period 190. - Y... regarding womanhood-in literature-which has the ability to substantiate features of change and reflection of the social development; as she is more liable to social effects; and accepts the role entitled to her as a female. Her character embodies artistical dimensions and figurative horizons exceeding her as a female with its realistic dimensions.
After consulting the short stories we have come to the conclusion that the narrator was concerned with woman within her social dimensions as characterised in figures of mother, grandmother, wife, daughter, sister, lover and woman as in general characterised in the mind of man. Besides, these dimensions as the artistical dimension appears; featured in using the picture of woman as a symbol, through which the narrator symbolises the national or patriotic or social problems.
The study has traced the features of woman in its various dimensions through (v) seven chapters and investigates the relationship between the form and content in regard to the vital relationship between them - this relationship is featured in the art of narration, the character and its patterns, the language and its levels and its relation with the content of the study.