الملخص الإنجليزي
This study seeks to analyze the features of smart phone of newspapers and magazines in Oman through analyzing the design and content of all available smart phones apps for Omani newspapers and magazines either on android or los by using qualitative analysis.
In this study, the researcher uses the media survey approach (media content analysis), daily monitoring tools on smart phones apps of the (study sample) and open personal interviews for the people in charge of these apps.
The study concluded with a number of findings, most notably, The user interfaces of most of the smart phones apps of newspapers and magazines in Oman, are not well utilized in terms of the design and content displayed. In addition, the user interfaces of the smart phones apps of the (study sample) lack attraction elements that can grab the attention of more users to use the apps. The findings also indicate that the design of the smart phones apps of the studied Omani newspapers and magazines do not offer users with easy navigation feature which makes it difficult for them to remain longer time exploring the apps. Furthermore, the findings reveal that the news and contents of studied smart phones apps are not updated constantly throughout the day, accept "whatsNews" app and Alshabiba Arabic app. The findings also confirm that interaction and usability elements are slightly employed in the studied apps. Moreover, the findings point out that "WhatsNews" and Alshabiba Arabic app use new content forms in presenting their news content such as videos, infographics etc... it is also noticeable that both apps provide specific content developed for the app that is different from what is presented on their print edition or website of both newspapers. Whereas the other newspaper under this study display traditional types of content which is not different from the content presented on their print edition. This is due to the fact that these apps are not managed by specialized team which can developed news content designed for the app itself, unlike "WhatsNews" and Alshabiba Arabic app which have a specialized team to develop and manage the app content.
The study recommends that media outlets should pay attention to the apps' interface and to appoint specialized team to prepare and manage the app content as well as updating it constantly and managing the app technically. They should also pay attention to the quality of their app contents and the forms of content they are offering to suit the users' tastes and needs and to keep pace with the latest media trends along with the smart phones recent features.
In addition, the study proposes that media outlets should seek support from third party individuals or companies to help them design highly sophisticated smart phone apps according to the recently adopted standards in this field.