الملخص الإنجليزي
This thesis consists of four chapters, in addition to a preface and conclusion.
The preface includes the reasoris for choosing this subject by the reseaclier, and the methodology wliichi the reseacher followed in the study.
The first chapter deals with three aspects ; the first one is about the reason of writing the book by Ibn Duraid. The second is about the general bases of the inethodology according to which the book is arranged. The researcher concludes that Ibtt Duraid took some of AL - Khalil Ibn Ahmed, principles in arranging the dictionary and left some of them. The third aspect is about the opinions of language scholars about "Jamharat al – lughaht" , those who praise it and those who do not. The researcher concludes that the book has its supreme position among other dictionaries.
The second chapter diseusses the bases of compiling "Jamharat al . lughali" in the light of lexicography theory. The first section of the chapter is about the theoretical bases of compiling, and the second is about the application of the theoretical bases.
The third chapter discusses tlie bases of the theory of dictionary arrangment. The first section of this chapter deals with the definition of the bases, and the second one seals with the application of these bases.
Ilie fourth chapter discusses the languages and dialects mentioned in the book. The first section is about the bases according to wliich the dialects were compiled in the differetit levels, and the second one is about the bases on which the languages were perceived.
The conclusion consists of the results of the study, and the proposals about the open questions the research left for more investigation and future studies.