الملخص الإنجليزي
The Nullity of the sanctions is the most frequent procedural and work and revoke the problems, It is an Executive recompense designed not to arrange the legal effect of which stipulated in the procedural rule and was being disputed between two denominational : the legal doctrine , the doctrine of self (the doctrine identity) and this latter is taken by the Omani Legislator , the nullity of two types Absolute and Relative (proportion ) the former related to public order , the second is related to the interests of the litigants.. The nullity of sanctions is different from the other procedural , such as non existence , non suit and non acceptance and raised to the Nullity is determined to hold the same or subsequent actions, such as can be determined by previous procedures and action in becoming true or return or corrected under certain conditions. The Nullity in the judgment to focus all null and void damage in the same itself as the recent action by the case out of the hands of the trail court , my be motivated by the violation of rules related to the provisions of jurisdiction and competence may also be motivated by the principle of legality of crimes and penalties ( cods). It may also by motivated by violation or general principles of criminal court, as may be short comings in the date needed to Judge whether in its preamble or in statement on the causes of the incident trigger for punishment and the circumstances in which it occurred who ruled the text of the law which motivated by the omission may also respond to request and objection or non observance of the rules of causation and the supreme court a major role in revealing the unseen rulers of procedures and revelation issued thereon. Although those involved in the implementation and application of procedural texts are required to implement a strict and honest and the application is a ware of these texts and familiarity with cases and causes of nullity benefit them in the proper conduct of the matching procedure is as pursuit it and between the model and the decree law , The Nullity does not mean only that the procedure defective can be stripped of its legal effects which lead to missing the right of society to punish the offender, but also means that even in the case of the possibility of reviving the action or correction or transformation these wasted time and effort and money is away that delayed the and hang the right of society to exact retribution .