الملخص الإنجليزي
Education in the Light of the criteria of Selecting Educational Pictures and Graphics The purpose of this study is to determine the criteria for the selection of educational illustrations represented by pictures and graphics in the content of Islamic Education textbooks of the first cycle of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman. This is done through answering the following questions:
1. What are criterea that should be taken into account when selecting pictures and graphics for the content of Islamic Education textbooks of the first cycle of Basic Education? 2. To what extent do the criterea of selecting pictures and diagrams in the content of the Islamic Education text books which are assigned to the first cycle students of Basic Education in the Sultanate of Oman exist ? 3. If the aforementioned criterea exist what is the extent of their availability in the pictures and graphics selection in the textbooks of each grade of the first cycle?
To answer these questions, this researcher used the descriptive analytical method as it is relevant to the nature of the questions and objectives of the study. The researcher has designed the following two instruments: 1: A list of criteria for selecting educational pictures and graphics: These were validated by (22) jury members. 2: Content analysis card : This is derived from the aforementioned criteria list, Tool stability and reliability were measured by using the coefficient of agreement between the researcher and another analyst through Cooper Equation where the percentage of agreement was( 84%).
The following results were obtained from the study: 1. A list of thirty criteria to be taken into account when selecting educational pictures and graphics. The list consists of three areas: legal, general educational, and design production criterea. 2. The results show that the legal criterea had the highest percentage of availability in all grades researched (99%), followed by the general educational criteria (88%), followed by the design production criteria (84%). 3. The design production field area received a percentage of( 86%) in each individual grade of Basic Education (I, II and III), while the fourth grade was( 69%). In light of these findings this researcher recommends the following:
The need to take into account the criteria that were not available in some pictures and graphics in the textbooks of the first cycle; not to rely heavily on the personal experience of the textbook authors to select the educational pictures and graphics; and taking into account the artistic design production of the pictures and graphics of this cycle and making it one of the important features for the selection of the textbook content. This researcher also provided a set of roposals for further research.