الملخص الإنجليزي
The main purpose of this study is to find out how principals of female secondary schools distribute their time during official school working hours in order to fulfil their administrative and technical duties. The study also intends to determine the effects of nationality, administrative experience, academic qualification, social status and the size of schools on how principals manage their time. Another objective of the study is to know the main obstacles of proper time management in terms of their effects on the time of female secondary school principals, and suggestions that principals propose for better time management. The sample of the study consisted of 8 female secondary school principals in the Sultanate, chosen randomly from three administrative regions (Governorate of Muscat, Batnah Region/South, and Eastern Region/South). Data for this study were collected by the use of direct observation forms that contained three main dimensions: administrative duties, technical duties and personal duties. Each dimension consisted of paragraphs that represented one duty that principals exercise during the official working hours. In order to ascertain the validity of the measuring tool, it was presented to 26 referees from a group of educational specialists. The answers to the questions of this study were obtained by the use of arithmetic means, percentages and relative importance of the time spent by members of the study sample in each duty. The main results of this study are the following: The most time consuming administrative duties were the following: 1. Responding to queries 15.24% 2. Contacting educational officials and meeting them 6.38% 3. Walking inside the school 6.18% 4. Attending morning congregation 4.24% 5.Overseeing administrative registers 3.29% 6. Dealing with problems of students 2.50 % On the other hand, the least time consuming administrative duties were the following: 1. Supervising school food 0.03 % 2.Overseeing the attendance of all teachers 0.05% 3. Supervising workers in the school 0.05% 4. Supervising the completion of teachers' administrative duties
0.08% 5. Overseeing the health of students 0.13% 6. Supervising the allocation of absent teachers' classes to others
0.15% The most time consuming technical duties were the following: 1. Class visits 11.91% 2.Overseeing the accomplishment of extracurricular activities
3.89% 3.Overseeing the plans of daily class sessions 3.35% 4. Meeting teachers individually 3.08% The least time consuming technical duties were the following: 1.Overseeing the execution of school curricular 0.02% 2. Attending meetings 0.26% 3.Overseeing the procurement of school equipment and
instructional materials 0.36% 4.Overseeing students' school aptitude 0.44% With respect to the personal duties that principals of female secondary schools perform during official working hours, the most time consuming were the following: 1. Chatting with teachers 5.38% 2. Drinking tea 1.54% And the least time consuming personal duties were the following: 1. Reading magazines and newspapers 0.19% 2. Attending personal phone calls 0.24%
The results of this study indicated that there are no differences among principals in the way they distribute their time during school working hours in order to fulfil their administrative, technical and personal duties in terms of nationality, administrative experience, academic qualification, social status and the size of schools. However, the study found that Omani principals were more inclined to solve problems of students than their expatriate counterparts. Also, Omani principals spend more chatting with one another. On the other hand, expatriate principals take more care with administrative registers and financial matters. They also give more attention to extracurricular activities. It was found also that less experienced principals were more willing to carry out class visits and meet teachers individually. With respect to the obstacles for better time management for principals of female secondary schools, a questionnaire was used to gather data. The questionnaire contained 18 paragraphs, each of which represented one single obstacle. Principals were asked to rate the significance of each obstacle on a Likert scale. The questionnaire also included two questions that intended to uncover any other obstacles that were not covered, and solicit suggestions for improvement in time management. To ascertain the validity of the instrument, it was presented to the same referees mentioned earlier. Also, Cronbach's coefficient alpha was calculated and found to be 0.83, which indicated high degree of internal consistency within the test instrument.
Principals of female secondary schools noted that the most significant obstacles according to their effects on their time were the following: 1. The increasing demands of various activities and local school
competitions. 2. The demands of various responsibilities at any given time. 3. Not enough time to perform all duties. 4. Meeting parents of students. 5. Entertaining many school visitors 6. The demands of daily routine.
Also, principals of female secondary schools noted that the least significant obstacles according to their effects on their time were the following: : 1. The personal problems of teachers. 2. The delay of achieving duties. 3. Not setting deadlines for achieving duties. 4. Not following daily, monthly and yearly plans. 5. Reading and responding to correspondence. 6.Less co-ordination among administrators in carrying on
duties. The principals also added other obstacles that are concerned with the Educational Directorates like the increasing demands for data and statistics, their slow response to the needs of schools. Other obstacles are sick leaves and maternity leaves of female school staff. In light of the results obtained, this study made some recommendations that intend to raise the awareness of the importance of time management and its positive effect on creating the balance among the various duties and responsibilities that need to be carried out. Also, the study recommends ways for principals to activate the roles of all parties in school administration and get more from seasoned teachers in order to achieve good tasks management. Finally, the study suggested that the subject of time management for principals of female secondary schools in the sultanate of Oman needs further research that should take into account such factors as:
1. The perception of principals of female secondary schools of the usefulness of time management methods.
2. The effects of principals' personal problems on their time management
3. How time management of school staff affects that of Principals.
4. The support and contribution of teachers to give principals more time for professional development.
5. Comparative studies between this study and similar ones that concentrate on male secondary schools.
6. Studies that target principals of elementary and preparatory schools.