الملخص الإنجليزي
The purpose of the study is to recognize the reality of the performance of the
basic education directors from the perspective of the directors themselves. It
aims at finding whether there will be any improvement if the characteristics of
job enrichment are applied considering five basic factors; (diversity of tasks,
specification of tasks, importance of tasks, autonomy and feedback). Other
factors considered are: variables of gender, school, age, academic qualifications
and years of experience.
The study sample was taken from (138) government school directors and (19)
private school directors. A questionnaire was used to ascertain the reality of the
school's performance improvement system. The questionnaire consists of (53)
items distributed over the five principles. The Descriptive Analytical Method
was used in this study.
Answers to research questions were obtained via the standard deviation,
repetition, and percentage. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine
the reliability. Additionally, the Independent Sample T-Test and the One-Way-
ANOVA were performed.
Study findings include the following:
1. Job enrichment valuation is high among basic education directors in
Dhofar Governorate. In addition, the findings show that the highest
score was given to the factor of task diversity with a mean of (3.99).
There are no significant differences between male and female directors
in terms of job enrichment in the total score of the questionnaire or in
the single score for each factor.
2. No significant differences exist in job enrichment between government
schools and private schools. No significant differences could be found
in the total score of either the questionnaire or the score of each factor
(diversity of tasks, specification of tasks, autonomy and feedback)
except for the factor of the importance of tasks, which shows that
private schools are higher in job enrichment than government schools.
3. The results revealed statistical differences in the average enrichment in
the total score for the questionnaire between the directors from different
age groups. We can conclude that the directors who are age 26-35 enjoy
a higher level of job enrichment than those who are 36-44. The results
showed statistical differences in the average enrichment in the total
questionnaire score between the directors in terms of years of
experience. The average enrichment for the directors who have 15 +
years of experience was greater than the average for those with 11-14
years of experience.
4. The results show significant differences in the job enrichment average
within the variable of academic qualifications. It was found that
directors who hold a diploma have more job enrichment than those with
a bachelor's degree and also more than holders of master's degrees. The
average job enrichment among the bachelor's degree holders is higher
than those with Master's degrees considering the total score of the
questionnaire as well as the factors of "specification of tasksand the
importance of tasks."
5. The study provided a number of recommendations including: Increasing
the means of communication between the directors and the concerned
parties in the Ministry of Education. Focus on developing specific
criteria for career progression and promotions that allow opportunities
for the directors' professional growth. A job enrichment orientation
program for the directors should be prepared that discusses career
factors that lead to lack of job enrichment in the light of the results of
the current study and other pertinent studies. A revised pay scale for
directors should be considered as well asannual bonuses and end of the
service gratuity.