الملخص الإنجليزي
The study aims at developing some emotional intelligence skills with a sample group of students in the University of Nizwa, and measuring the program effectiveness in developing emotional intelligence. The study sample consists of all 20 students who scored the lowest n the emotional intelligence scale in the second semester 2012/2013. The sample is divided into experimental and control groups. The experimental consists of 5 males and 5 females, and the control group has 5 male students and 5 female students. The experimental group students undergone a group counseling program based on the Goleman's theory of emotional intelligence. The program was executed in 14 sessions of two sessions a week. The control group didn't receive and counseling.
The two hypotheses of the study were tested by calculating the means and standard deviations of four emotional intelligence dimensions (emotional awareness, emotions regulation, empathy, and social communication) of the two sample groups. The measuring was done on both scales: posttest and follow-up. To make sure of the differences significance of the emotional intelligence scores in general between the two groups based on gender, the researcher used the 2 WAY ANCOVA test. Moreover, to pinpoint the differences in significance of emotional intelligence dimensions scores between the two groups based on gender, the researcher used the 2WAY MANCOVA test.
The results showed differences of statistical significance at (0.05 ≤α) in the emotional intelligence scores in general for each sub dimension between the two groups, in favor of the experimental group at the posttest. This can be attributed to the group counseling program used in the study. There were no differences of significance based on gender at the three dimensions (emotional awareness, emotions regulation, social communication), but there were difference attributed to gender in favor of males at the empathy dimension. There were no significant results for the reaction between gender and treatment.
The results also showed differences of statistical significance at (0.05 ≤α) in the emotional intelligence scores in general for each sub dimension between the two groups, in favor of the experimental group at the followup scale. This can be attributed to the group counseling program used in the study. There were no significant results for the reaction between gender and treatment.