الملخص الإنجليزي
The study aims at identifying the reality of school climate and its relationship to organizational commitment from the perspective of teachers in basic education school in Muscat. Four hundred teacher (400) participated in the study. To meet the objectives of the study used a tool to measure school climate and a tool to measure organizational commitment.
Statistical analysis of data through (SPSS) has revealed various findings. The major result showed that school climate scored higher means in all four dimensions: teacher professional behavior, collegial leadership, academic achievement press, and school-community relationship. Based on gender, the results of t-test showed that there were statistical significant differences between male and female teacher in general index of school climate. Specifically, female teachers scored higher in each dimension of teacher professional behavior and school-community relationship compared to male. Regarding organizational commitment, generally teachers showed high level of commitment (M= 3.48) with dimensions affective and normative organizational commitment scored the highest (M= 3.83 and 3.41 respectively) whereas continuance organizational commitment scored the moderate level (M= 3.20). Based on years of experience, the results of one-way ANOVA indicated that there were statistical significant differences of teachers' organizational commitment, whereas teachers with experience of 15 years or more showed higher affective and normative commitment than teachers with less years of experience. acher profession for correlations, generally, the relationship of school climate and organizational commitment was moderate positive significant (r= 0.58, p<0.01). The dimension of affective organizational commitment showed moderate positive significant relationship with academic achievement and collegial leadership (r= 0.55-0.50, p< 0.01) and weak positive significant relationship with teacher professional commitment and school community (r= 0.47-0.41 p< 0.01). Continuance commitment indicated weak positive significant relationship with each dimension of school climate (r= 0.31- 0.44, p< 0.01), whereas normative commitment indicated weak positive significant relationship with academic achievement press and school community ( r=0.36 and r= 0.39, p< 0.01 respectively) and very weak positive significant relationship with each of collegial leadership and teacher professional commitment (r=0.23 and r= 0.29. p< 0.01 respectively). and relation:* p< 0.01).
The study recommends the importance of strengthening the school climate by supporting Be the collective leadership, professional behavior of teachers, improving academic achievement and empowering the relationship between the school and local community and students' parents. It is also crucial to foster continuance commitments in educational institutions.