الملخص الإنجليزي
The present study was conducted in order to investigate EFL teacher motivation and the factors influencing it in Oman. The study aimed at assessing the level of Omani EFL teacher motivation and at examining the differences in EFL teacher motivation by the type of motivation as well as the differences in teacher motivation by teacher gender, qualification, teaching experience and the level taught. A total of (302) Omani EFL teachers participated in the study. This sample represents eight regions which were: Batinah North, Batinah South, Muscat, Dakhliah, Dhahirah North, Sharquia North, Sharquia South and Dhofar. Subjects completed a three-part questionnaire. Part I of the questionnaire elicited information about the respondents' gender, qualification, experience and teaching level. Part II contained a list of 35 statements on general EFL teacher motivation and part III had a list of eight intrinsic motivational factors and ten extrinsic motivational factors. The statistical analysis of data displayed the following results: 1- Omani EFL teachers have a moderate teacher motivation with a mean value of (3.7). However, they are highly motivated in terms of satisfaction, confidence and autonomy. On the other hand, EFL teachers in Oman have moderate motivation in terms of the social contextual components and the temporal components of teaching motivation. 2-Omani EFL teachers were found to be more intrinsically than extrinsically motivated. 3-When examining the differences in Omani EFL teacher motivation, four variables were looked at. These factors are teacher gender, qualification, teaching experience and the teaching level. The following results were revealed: a-Both Omani male and female EFL teachers are motivated to the same extent.. However, Omani female EFL teachers show higher preferences for the intrinsic and extrinsic factors of motivation than the Omani male teachers do. b- There are significant differences in teachers' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with regard to qualification in favor of the BA teachers. c- There are also significant differences in teachers' intrinsic and extrinsic motivation with respect to the variable of teaching experience in favor of the teachers who have 0-4 years of experience. d- There are significant differences in teachers' general motivation with regard to the level of teaching in favor of the basic education teachers. In light of the research findings, the researcher proposed some recommendations.