الملخص الإنجليزي
The solution of nonlinear equations has been one of the most important and investigated topics in applied mathematics as it has many applications in engi neering and other applied sciences. Analytical methods for solving such equations are almost nonexistent, therefore, it is possible only to obtain approximate nu merical solutions by relying on numerical methods based on iterative procedures. It is well known that Newton method is the inost widely used (second order) one point method for solving such equations. The class of available numerical methods can be divided broadly into one point and multi-point methods. The one point methods can attain high order by using higher derivatives of the func tion whereas the multipoint methods allow the use of any information that had already been computed. This approach allows the construction of very efficient methods. In this work, some higher order methods for finding the roots (sim ple and multiple) of nonlinear equations are explored. These methods are then implemented for some test problems in Matlab and the results are discussed.