الملخص الإنجليزي
The pseudorapidity distribution (dNch/dn) of the data sample acquired from the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is an important measurement from the inner tracking system, the closest part of the detector system. The measurement is done by three different techniques generally and is compared to the Monte Carlo event generator simulations to tune the simulations as well as check the detector acceptance and performance. The method which is used in this research is called pixel cluster counting method which involves only the first barrel layer of the pixel detector encapsulating the beampipe, to count the clusters and analyse. This method is based on the correlation between the cluster length along the beamline (z-direction) and the pseudorapidity. Different processes of the event selection are from real-time online event selection to the offline event selection mainly established on the rejection of contaminations of the data such as the particles decaying after emerging from a collision or some products from the previous collision and many others. The pseudorapidity from the data analysis was consistent with the simulations as well as some previous results of similar data from the same run. The pseudorapidity distribution of a high energy collision is required as the first analysis step of the experimental results taken from any high energy collision experiment. This indicates the average number of particles produced in the collision, and further will be used for the transverse momentum distribution of the particles, which further leads to the understanding of fundamental science by these experiments. The pseudorapidity distribution has found to be a mean value of 5.77 by the pixel cluster counting method for the charged particles in the proton-proton collision at total energy Vs = 13 TeV