الملخص الإنجليزي
The present study aimed at investigating grade 10 learners' oral production when performing focused and unfocused communication tasks. Particularly, it aimed to find out the differences between these two types of communication in terms of the frequency of negotiation of meaning each type triggers and the language structures used. Moreover, learners' perceptions of these two types of communication tasks were additionally investigated. It was designed to address the following questions:
1. To what extent do focused and unfocused oral communication tasks increase negotiated interaction between Grade 10 learners in relation to:
a. Frequency of negotiation of meaning.
b. Language structures used.
2. What are the learners' perceptions of their communication through focused and unfocused communication tasks?
Three research instruments were used to collect data; two focused and two unfocused communication tasks, semi interviews and field notes. Data analysis revealed the following findings:
1. There is no significant difference in the frequency of negotiation of meaning between the two task types because the learners performed the two task types as unfocused tasks.
2. Only the targeted structure 'you should...' was produced in the focused task 4(giving advice) beside other general samples of (untargeted) language structures, while the other targeted structures; the model of obligation (you must/must not) and the second conditional (if I were. I would + infinitive) were not produced at all.
3. The use of some communication strategies can help learners to keep communication flowing and to go round the target structure. 4. The indicator, an important negotiation phase, was absent in many cases from the conversations. 5. A considerable number of the learners; 40 % perceived the focused task two (An imaginary problem description) to be more interesting and easier than other tasks but not necessary more communicative. 6. The majority of the learners, 60% considered the unfocused task one (Poster description) to be more difficult, less interesting and more communicative than other tasks. 7. None of the learners considered the unfocused task 3 (A health problem description) to be a communicative task, although they perceived it as the second interesting task and the easiest one.
8. Interviews revealed that while performing the four tasks, learners' attention was focused on understanding and conveying the meaning and not on the form.
9. The mother tongue was used by some learners in many cases. It was used by some learners to convey their messages and to translate some utterances. The research findings suggest the following: 1. Outcomes that depends on information gap filling should be included as part of the textbook tasks. 2. Visual input that is comprehensive, interesting and relevant to learners' experiences should be included as part of the textbook tasks in order to trigger more negotiation. 3. In order to improve their Linguistic proficiency, Learners should be provided with tasks that encourage them to perform as language users. 4. Learners' questioning skill should be developed through providing them with chances and tasks that focus on this skill in particular.