English abstract
at exploring to what extent that Islamic education teachers utilize some manners to help developing the students' creative thinking from the point of view of the educational supervisors. This is achieved through answering the following questions:
1- How far do the Islamic education teachers use manners of improvingcreative thinking in order to develop the creative thinking of the second stage students in the basic education From the supervisors' point of view?
2. Does the use of the manners of the creative thinking by the Islamic education teachers change according to the change of the kind of the skill (fluency, flexibility and originality) From the supervisors' point of view?
To answer the first question, the researcher designed a questionnaire. The internal consistency and reliability of the questionnaire were tested against Cronbach (alpha) Coefficient (0, 97). The final questionnaire contains (35) items. The sample of the study consisted of all the Islamic education male and female supervisors (82 supervisors) in all the educational regions in the Sultanate. The main results of the study are:
1. The average use of the manners of the creative thinking by the Islamic education teachers was (2, 84), which ranges between (2, 5 - 3, 4)according to the researcher's scale.
2. There are no statistical differences between originality and flexibility. However, there are some statistical differences at the level (0, 05 a) between fluency and originality, and between fluency and flexibility, in favor of fluency. According to the results, the researcher has stated some recommendations, one of which is training the second stage Islamic teachers in the basic education on manners that develop creative thinking during service.