تعيين المحكم وفقا لقانون التحكيم العماني و قوانين دول مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية
الحضرمي،, أسعد بن سعيد بن حارب
English abstract
This study aims to highlight the procedures and guidelines for selection and appointment as following issues:
1. The role of the parties of the dispute in selecting the arbitralor through their mutual consent.
2. The legal background and compentencies of the Arbitrator to be selected by the disputing parties
3. The role of the judiciary in selecting the Arbitralor .
And that was accomplished by defining the position of the Omani Arbitration Law in relation to civil and coinmercial disputes compared to Arbitration laws in GCC countries and other international arbitration laws. Through the analysis and treatment of the various subjects of the study, the Researcher was able to conclude that the Omani Arbitration Law is considered to be quite satisfactory and efficient to handle and treat civil and commercial disputes compared to the Arbitration laws applicable in other GCC countries. In many aspects, it is much more similar to International Arbitration legislations. Moreover, the Researcher' has proposed several amendments in the current Omani Arbitration Law. The study has essentially used the analytical and comparative approaches to come to these conclusions.